


Room 19

Room 19

Our Blog

Welcome to Room 19's Blog for 2016. We are a Year 1 class at Pt England School, set in beautiful Point England, Auckland, New Zealand. This year we will be learning reading, writing and maths all on our iPads. Make sure you keep checking in with us and see how we are progressing throughout the year. We will be sharing as much as possible and look forward to reading your wonderful comments!

Friday, 16 December 2016

New Beginnings.

Today I said farewell to my Pt England School family after 16 years. I am going to miss all my beautiful children, their parents, nana's, grandad's, aunts and uncles... and most of all my amazing colleagues. The quilt of my life is so much richer and brighter from my time spent within this wonderful, diverse and vibrant community. I hope to one day return and have even more experience, expertise and knowledge to share with you all. Until then, please look after yourselves, work hard, be kind and most of all 'Strive to Succeed!'

Aroha nui.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Team 1's Walk- On 'Prize Giving Movie

This past week Team 1 gave an outstanding performance at prize giving. Lead by Ms Gaston, the children sang 'Try Everything' and blew the audience away with their beautiful singing and actions. Will really miss my beautiful Tamariki and amazing teacher friends who make these occasions possible! This movie is the piece used to welcome the children on to stage before their performance.

Team 1 2016 Prize giving Movie from Team 1 PES on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Sharing is Caring by Room 17

Room 17 loved making this movie about 'sharing' and how much more fun life is when you share!

Our Film Festival Movie - Freedom!

Our film celebrates the freedom we have in New Zealand to go to school and learn!

Friday, 28 October 2016

What's missing?

A day of firsts for Ella!! She lost her firs tooth AND had a visit from the 'Tooth Fairy.' It's so fun losing teeth when you're 6!!

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Making Playdough - what changes can we see??

Today Room 19 explored solids, liquids and gases by making playdough! We began by looking at a recipe and writing down all the ingredients and measurements we needed. We talked about which ingredients were solids, which were liquids and watched how the water turned into a gas when we boiled the jug to make our boiling water. Next the fun began...in groups we took turns measuring, mixing and kneading the playdough. Once we had made a big ball we shared it out equally and added whatever colour food colouring we wanted. Some of us even decided to see what would happen when we mixed different colours together!

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes!

We are in our final term and are finishing the year with a BANG by looking at states of matter and all the changes that occur in science. Last week we talked about hot/cold and heating/freezing so what better way to experience what freezing looks, feels and tastes like than by eating some ice blocks!