


Room 19

Room 19

Our Blog

Welcome to Room 19's Blog for 2016. We are a Year 1 class at Pt England School, set in beautiful Point England, Auckland, New Zealand. This year we will be learning reading, writing and maths all on our iPads. Make sure you keep checking in with us and see how we are progressing throughout the year. We will be sharing as much as possible and look forward to reading your wonderful comments!

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

What Makes a Champion?

This term we are looking at "What Makes a Champion" as we learn about the Commonwealth countries, the Commonwealth Games and how we can all be champions.

Our PENN movie this term focuses on some of the things we have been doing, and the responses Class 20 gave when we asked them "What Makes a Champion?"


  1. Dear Class 20,

    We really liked your movie when we watched it on the news. Thank you for sharing with us what it means to be a champion. Siu says it was a lovely movie. We loved seeing all of you in your movie.

    See you at Cross Country practice!
    Your friends in Class 24

  2. Dear Class 20

    I really loved your movie. Keep up the great work.


  3. Dear Class 20,
    I absolutely loved your Movie. I really like how you spoke clearly and being confident. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK

  4. Hi Class 20, I really like your movie and I think it was really cute. You guys insipired me to become a Champion.

  5. Hi Class 20,
    I like how you said that you can all be Champion's. Your movie was really cool! It was a lovely movie! Keep it up Class 20!

    From Venetia

  6. Hello Class 20,

    My friends and I really liked your movie! I think training hard, listening to your coaches makes a good champion!

    Keep up the AWESOME work!

  7. Dear Class 20,

    I really liked your movie.

    I really liked how you spoke clearly and how people who visit your blog what you need to be a champion.

    From: Yvonne

  8. Dear Class 20,

    It's so cool to know that you know how to be a champion. Now it's time to do what you said makes a champion.

    From Talita.
