The learners in Class 20 were keen to share their fireworks experiences. We spent several days writing stories about what we did, and created some great art works on the iPads by using a black background as a starting point. Here are some examples of our work:
Be safe when you do your fireworks, even with the Mums and Dads be safe too!
- Oalii
I like the colourful fireworks and the rockets and the sparklers.
- Casshius
I like fireworks because they are going up in the sky.
- Luisa
I like to go with my family because it is fun to see the fireworks and Guy Fawkes tonight.
- Central
I like fireworks and sparklers and I come with my Mum and Dad to get the fireworks and sparklers.
- Deborah
Today is Guy Fawkes day and we can light up some fireworks. But you can't light them up, only an adult can light them up.
- Kahurangi