


Room 19

Room 19

Our Blog

Welcome to Room 19's Blog for 2016. We are a Year 1 class at Pt England School, set in beautiful Point England, Auckland, New Zealand. This year we will be learning reading, writing and maths all on our iPads. Make sure you keep checking in with us and see how we are progressing throughout the year. We will be sharing as much as possible and look forward to reading your wonderful comments!

Wednesday 19 March 2014

The suns rays from Team 1 PES on Vimeo.

Class 20 wrote a wonderful story about the playground. It was so nice watching our clever students re-craft the story and move from using the word 'sun' to 'sunshine' and finally to 'suns' rays.' Wow! Class 20 are really 'thinking.'Today we sung our story, both as a class and all on our own!

1 comment:

  1. Well done
    I like that you have sing well I hope you are super good my class is super good to our teacher. I hope you are making more post of this.
